Marine energy park launched in Scotland
Scotland’s first marine energy park is to be officially launched later today, to boost progress in marine power development.
The Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Energy Park includes the European Marine Energy Centre (Emec) and will link to university researchers and private companies working in marine energy.
The park will test new wave and tidal devices, and is to be launched byUKenergy minister Greg Barker. DECC figures suggest marine energy has the potential to generate up to 27GW of power in theUKby 2050.
WWF Scotland policy officer Dr Sam Gardner described the launch of the park as “an exciting development and a further opportunity forScotland’s marine renewable sector to develop wave and tidal devices”.
He added: “We are already at the forefront of these important technologies and energy park status will help further speed up the commercial development of marine renewables.
“With careful planning we can harnessScotland's wave and tidal energy to help cut our climate emissions, while safeguarding the nation's tremendous marine environment.”
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