Drink-driving consultation to open in Scotland
Scotlandis set to receive new responsibility for drink-driving, the national speed limit and airguns as powers are transferred fromWestminsterto Holyrood this week.
Under the recently-passed 2012 Scotland Act, the Scottish Government also gains more responsibility over the rate of income tax, landfill taxes and new borrowing powers.
A consultation is set to open in the next few weeks over proposals to change the drink-drive limit from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg.
Government strategy secretary Bruce Crawford said: “On speed limits, these powers will enable the Scottish government to make the right decisions for Scottish roads rather than have any changes imposed byWestminster. Road safety is our first priority and we have no current plans to increase speed limits.
“Work is already under way on airguns reform through the work of the Scottish Firearms Consultative Panel. Another meeting will be chaired by Mr MacAskill over the summer and a consultation will begin in the coming weeks on proposed changes to drink-drive limits.”
Scotland Office minister David Mundell called the devolution “the start of a historic transfer of powers” and added: “It will be for the Scottish Government to decide how to use these powers and the subsequent major transfer of financial responsibility for income tax and borrowing.”
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