Pressure on councils to provide more parking
Communities secretary Eric Pickles has revealed new plans that could put pressure on councils to provide more parking spaces alongside new homes.
These proposals come just months after the announcement that reforms about local parking policies would be added to the government’s Deregulation Bill. These reforms included introducing a grace period for those who outstay their tickets and banning ‘CCTV enforcement spy cars’.
The government has told local authorities that insufficient parking would lead to residents making amendments to the family home, such as tarmacking over their front garden, or parking on the street.
Pickles said: “No space at home leaves no space on the road. We need to cease this vicious cycle that leaves our streets endlessly clogged-up.”
The government is proposing to rein back ‘maximum parking standards’, which it says have previously prevented and restricted house builders from providing homes with car parking spaces that families “want and need”. However, minimum requirements will remain unchanged.
“Allowing the market to offer enough parking spaces will help take the pressure off our congested roads,” added Pickles.
The DCLG has put its reforms out to consultation, which will close on 26 September.
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