Employers to offer Olympics flexibility
Over half of employers are planning to allow greater flexibility for staff during the Olympics, data suggests, as the CIPD launches new guidance on sporting events and absence management.
Data from the Resourcing and Talent Planning survey indicates many employers are planning greater flexibility to avoid potential transport disruption during the Olympic Games and the European Football Championships.
Almost three in ten said they would try to accommodate requests from employees to work from home, 17% will extend flexible working opportunities and 13% will actively encourage staff to work from home.
The report states: “Evidence suggests that where employers demonstrate they care about their staff and their interests outside work, employees are more likely to go the extra mile for the organisation.”
Rebecca Clake, research adviser at CIPD, said: “There are a range of options available to employers to enable them to balance the requirements of the business with the interests and needs of employees.
“Options such as flexi-time and home working can enable employees in parts of the country likely to face travel disruption as a result of the Olympics to spend their time working rather than stuck in traffic jams or adding to the pressure likely to be faced by our public transport system.
“The key for employers is to plan ahead, set out clearly what the organisation’s approach is and the rationale behind this and then apply it consistently.”
To view the guidance, visit: www.cipd.co.uk/publicpolicy/sporting-events-absence-management.aspx
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