The Attorney General has visited the new Government Hub in Greater Manchester, as part of a visit to see how opportunities for lawyers to work with the government are thriving in the North West of England.
More than 70 HMRC and Government Legal Department lawyers and civil servants met the Attorney at the new Salford Government Hub, with legal staff being based there to work across the full range of HMRC’s legal activity. Increasingly, the staff are also being joined by lawyers from the Government Legal Department, with this promoting the government legal profession in England’s North and West Midlands.
Speaking during the visit, which was part of the 2023 Law Tour, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP, Attorney General, said:
“It is vital there are opportunities for brilliant lawyers outside of London to work in government – so it has been a pleasure to see how numbers are growing here in Salford.
“I worked for the Government legal service for 17 years and know what a varied and inspiring career such work can offer – spreading the news is one of my biggest priorities as a Law Officer.
“I’m encouraged by the opportunities for talented lawyers in the North West and really enjoyed hearing how they are making a lasting impact with the Government legal profession.”
HMRC Senior Sponsor Manchester Region and Deputy Director of Commercial Law at HMRC Solicitors Office, Angus Edwards, added:
“This visit by the Attorney General and Solicitor General to our Greater Manchester government hub marks the moment that civil service lawyers, advising central government departments, have come together in a single, modern workplace in the North West.”
The Government Legal Department’s expansion into the North West began in April, with this move complimenting existing offices in Leeds, Bristol and London. The idea behind the Government Hubs being established is to support the Places for Growth programme that will see regeneration and economic development around the country. Departments such as the Home Office have also been involved in the move, with offices being established in Croydon and Peterborough.
Further hubs have been delivered in Glasgow, Belfast, Newcastle, Nottingham, Cardiff and Birmingham.