Police forces reject G4S framework
An alliance of three police forces will not proceed with the outsourcing framework with G4S as a supplier, it has been decided.
Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire forces were considering joining Lincolnshire’s framework for outsourcing the forces’ organisational support services, including human resources, ICT, finance, estates and facilities, fleet, procurement and resource management.
The framework was awarded specifically for Lincolnshire’s needs following a competitive process, with an option for named forces to join the contract without a new procurement process.
However at a meeting yesterday the three forces decided not to join the framework.
Olly Martins, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, said after the meeting: “The concerns that I had about this proposal are on record but I am pleased that following the evaluation and subsequent discussions the three Police and Crime Commissioners have ended up in agreement with a shared view that this contract does not deliver what we need.
“However, we do still have to save money. Strengthening the ways in which we collaborate with Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire is a crucial element of our on-going investment in all our police services. I now look forward to working with my fellow commissioners to develop new and innovative ways in which we can progress our collaborative approach.”
Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock said: “As an Alliance we have been working together to explore a range of options for making savings at a time when all three forces are facing significant financial challenges. The potential option of outsourcing our Organisational Support services via the Lincolnshire Police and G4S framework was one such avenue that it was right to fully explore. Having considered this specific framework carefully, we have decided not to proceed.
“Along with my Chief Constable colleagues in Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire and the three Commissioners, we are continuing to explore other opportunities, whilst in Bedfordshire we are using the Option 10 and ‘Lean’ processes to achieve savings in house and protect front line policing.”
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