Failure to reform risks EU economy – Osborne
The UK will leave the EU unless there is significant political and economic reform, chancellor George Osborne is to warn.
In a speech to a conference organised by the pro-reform Open Europe think tank and the Fresh Start group of Tory MPs, Osborne will say: “There is a simple choice for Europe: reform or decline. Our determination is clear: to deliver the reform, and then let the people decide.
He is expected to say that Cameron will work to secure a realignment of rules to ensure members of the Eurozone cannot outvote EU members which have not joined the currency.
Without reform, Europe could fall behind growing economies around the world, he could highlight.
Osborne will add: “The biggest economic risk facing Europe doesn't come from those who want reform and renegotiation – it comes from a failure to reform and renegotiate.
“It is the status quo which condemns the people of Europe to an ongoing economic crisis and continuing decline.”
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Image c. European Parliament