The Welsh Government has announced funding to help schools and colleges across the country become more energy efficient.
Funding amounting to £60 million, is being invested in plans to give schools an colleges the funding to undertake plans such as replacing roofs, heating and ventilation systems with low carbon, efficient replacements. Electrical systems including LED lighting is also to undergo a sustainable makeover.
Schools are to receive £50 million of the funding, whilst further education colleges will get £10 million. Not only will this funding provide benefits to learners and communities that host the schools, but the money being invested will also support a boost in employment and the Welsh construction industry. This investment is equivalent to £170 million and 834 full time equivalent jobs.
Jeremy Miles, Minister for Education and Welsh Language , said:
“Wales has made a very strong commitment to being more sustainable and address the climate emergency head on. The funding announced today will enable a comprehensive programme of sustainable improvements for schools and colleges across Wales. It’s important that school buildings support energy reduction and decarbonisation in line with our Net Zero Strategy.
“We want the buildings in which our children and young people learn to not only be welcoming spaces, but also ensure they are not impacting on the environment and the future environment of the young people of Wales.”