Government announces new banning orders to stop rogue landlords
Plans for new banning orders to stop rogue landlords and property agents from operating have been set out by the government today.
The banning orders would be put in place when rogue landlords commit ‘serious offences’ against tenants. A consultation is seeking views on which offences should be subject to the orders, with proposed offences including failing to carry out work required by the council to prevent a health and safety risk to tenants, threatening tenants with violence, or illegally evicting them.
Any landlord or property agent who is subject to a banning order may be prevented from letting or managing a property indefinitely, with their name also included in a national database of offenders.
Housing minister Gavin Barwell said: “Banning orders will allow us to drive out the worst offenders and help make sure millions of hard-working private tenants across the country are protected from exploitation.
“While the vast majority of landlords are responsible we are determined to tackle the minority who abuse and exploit vulnerable people.”
The proposals form part of the government’s commitment to improving standards within the private rented sector with the aim of helping local authorities take action against rogues who knowingly rent out substandard accommodation.
The banning orders will force offenders either to drastically improve the standard of the accommodation they rent out or to leave the sector entirely, with a minimum ban lasting 12 months and maximum bans being unlimited.
Offenders may also find themselves unable to rent or work in the housing sector with a management order giving the local authority responsibility for renting their property instead.
The banning orders follow a range of measures introduced in the Housing and Planning Act 2016 to tackle rogue landlords, including the extension of Rent Repayment Orders and civil penalties up to £30,000.
Other proposed banning order offences include renting out property to illegal migrants, making fraudulent applications for housing benefit or colluding with the tenant to commit crime.
The online consultation period will run until 10 February 2017. To take part, click here.
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