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Councils receive share of £560,000 fund for digital schemes to improve local services

The successful bidders for a £560,000 Local Government Association (LGA) fund for digital schemes to transform local services have been announced.

Of the 111 bids made, 34 received a share of the funding, to be allocated to digital solutions to troubled families, health and social care integration and welfare reform that can be reused by other councils and allow them to operate more efficiently.

The grants include £25,000 for Blackpool to develop a single view of a child’s record that will support integrated work across partners, £25,000 for a multi-agency intelligence tool for identifying the top 20 adults with complex needs in Hounslow, and £40,000 to be shared between Tunbridge Wells, all Kent districts and Medway to build an online homeless triage process.

Cllr David Simmonds, chair of the LGA's improvement and innovation board, said: “This programme seeks to build on this good work by enabling a group of councils to use digital tools and approaches to support their wider work to transform local public services.”

A number of the programmes were apps, including one in Lewisham for accessing information about adult social care, one in Halton for capturing and analysing data from high-risk patients living at home, and one in Blackpool for social care finance assessment.

A Local Digital Coalition was launched on 1 April to promote collaborative digital services.

To view the full list of successful projects, go here.


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