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County looks to bring services into fewer buildings to drive £125m savings

Norfolk County Council has today outlined how it will restructure to “meet its challenges” by closing off little-used council buildings and move services where they are most needed.

In order to meet tight financial targets, the authority said it would be targeting services that residents need the most, but would cut down on the number of buildings that are being used for them.

It also claimed it would look into early help for families in crisis, support for adults to live independent lives and smarter information and advice for those in the local community.

Since 2011, the council has found £334m worth of savings, and is now looking to cut back on an additional £125m by 2021.

But the county has now said that shaving money off services is no longer sustainable, arguing that “the time has come” to have a more detailed look at how services are run. This includes bringing different areas of the council’s work under one roof to enable the closure of little-used buildings and remodelled services.

“I believe in making the best use we can of the money we have. We’re going to look at things like having children’s centres and libraries and other services that could fit together well, based in the same buildings,” said Norfolk CC leader, Cllr Cliff Jordan.

“Think about it – that’s better for the public and will save money. But it’s early days and we’re gathering the evidence and talking to people first.

“I think we can save £125m – we’re on track this year and next and our future plans should deliver the rest.”

Top Image: Whitemay

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Linda Peterss   03/10/2017 at 23:12

Greatest post!!In order to meet strong financial goals, the authorities say it will look at services where residents are most needed, but the number of buildings used for them will be reduced. But now the council has said that the means to stop the services is not sustainable, adding that "time has come" Details were detailed in detail in detail. This includes working on a roof to shut down a little broken building and rebuild the service. Think about it - it's good for the public and to save money.Iwith agree your post .......

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