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SEAP programme launched in Liverpool to create 128,000 jobs

Liverpool City Council has launched a regional Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) as a coordinated programme for a low carbon economy.

In partnership with six local authorities and Arup, the council secured funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government through the Climate Change Skills Fund.

The plans could create up to 128,000 jobs in manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of sustainable energy initiatives, and includes training, skills and investment funds.

The Mayor of Liverpool, Cllr Joe Anderson, said: “I want this city to be at the forefront of theSmartCitymovement. I want a smarter, fitter economy and our people to benefit becoming healthier, wealthier and happier. At the very heart of this is how we plan and manage our future energy demands.”

Garry Banks, director of Arup Liverpool, said: “The City Region SEAP is the foundation for a coordinated City Region response to the carbon reduction challenge. This is about growing the City Region economy whilst delivering an exemplar response to carbon reduction.”

Dr Alan Jemmett, director of Merseyside Environmental Advisory Service, added: “The work to deliver the economic potential now starts in earnest. I am particularly looking forward to seeing how the private sector will respond with project opportunities that deliver new jobs and carbon savings from the energy sector.”

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