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New chief executive appointed for Bexley Council

Bexley Council has announced that Jackie Belton has been recommended for appointment as its new chief executive.

Belton was formerly the strategic director of corporate services at Lambeth and Newham councils and is now set to be signed off as the new chief executive of the London Borough of Bexley Council on 17 April.

She will replace Gill Steward who stepped down from the council in August after two years, and take over from the deputy chief executive Paul Moore who has been acting chief executive since Steward’s departure.

The leader of Bexley Council Teresa O’Neill said: “Jackie is joining the council at a challenging and exciting time.

“We will all be working together to continue to deliver our wide-ranging programme of investment to improve the Borough, and to find new and better ways to do things to ensure we get maximum value from the money we spend.”

Belton has worked at a senior level in local government for over 25 years and has “extensive experience of managing the full range of council services” including corporate resources, customer services, housing growth and children and adult services.

She commented: “I’m delighted and proud to be recommended as the London Borough of Bexley’s new chief executive.

“Bexley has strong ambition for its residents and clear plans to improve their lives by delivering good places to live, better transport and excellent opportunities for education and employment.

“I’m looking forward to working with Bexley’s excellent senior leadership team, committed staff and elected members, who care passionately about their Borough and to build on recent achievements.”

The council said Belton would continue to build on recent achievements including a 14th year as the top recycling borough in London and securing the development of two new schools for special education needs.

Bexley Council also won the government’s support and funding for an extension of the proposed major railway project Crossrail to Ebbsfleet earlier this week.


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