HCA to build 3,544 specially adapted homes
The first phase of a new building scheme to support independent living has been launched, to provide older and disabled people with more suitable housing.
The Government is funding £92m to the Homes and Communities Agency to help 86 agencies build 2,875 new homes. In London an additional £29m will allow 35 providers to build 669 homes. Both schemes are expected to create over 1,000 jobs.
The houses will be designed to aid independent living, with few or no stairs, cupboards at reachable heights, adapted bathrooms and handrails.
Norman Lamb, care and support minister, said: “As we know, most people want to be independent in their own homes and as the population ages, more and more of us will need housing that supports us to do that.
“We have awarded companies funding to build 3,544 homes around the country. These will be tailored to people’s needs and will help them to remain active as long as possible without the need of going into a care home.
“Better and more suitable housing will also alleviate pressure on carers and families, as the person being cared for will be able to carry out everyday tasks more easily.”
Andy Rose, chief executive of the Homes and Communities Agency, said: “Housing plays a crucial role in helping older people and disabled adults to live as independently as possible and with an ageing population and changing demographics, investment in specialised housing is more important than ever.
“Government has committed significant investment and I am pleased that the HCA has made allocations for so many new high quality homes to be built, while delivering value for money for the taxpayer. This is core business for the HCA and the allocations announced today will help make a real difference to people’s lives in communities right across the country.”
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