Ep. 24 A Hydrogen Transport Revolution - Eamonn Ives
This week’s episode of Public Sector Voices, covers a hydrogen transport revolution, with Centre for Policy Studies researcher, Eamonn Ives.
Eamonn specialises in the environment, devolution and business and regulatory policy and recently authored a report on how hydrogen can fuel a transport revolution.
While the UK economy has reduced its emissions by around 43% since 1990, transport remains the single biggest source, having only reduced by 2% in the same year.
Eamonn talks us through the sectors that are yet to decarbonise and the potential the country has to be ‘first movers’ in hydrogen energy, and reach the countries net zero carbon goals using this ‘miracle fuel’.
His position at CPS makes him primed to have a hand in influencing Ministers and policy on this topic, and he believes they are starting to wake up to the possibilities of hydrogen.
HGVs, Buses and the Railway all stand to benefit from this change but does hydrogen mean bypassing electric?
“The end goal of zero emission transport is what we should be focussing on and it doesn’t matter how we get there as long as we’re getting there.”