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MoJ appoints non-exec team following reshuffle

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has announced a new team of non-executive board members after a shake-up in June saw four top non-execs step down.

Liz Doherty, Sir Martin Narey and Lizzie Noel will join the board alongside Sir Theodore Agnew, lead non-executive member taking over form Tim Breedon.

The non-executive board had been emptied in June following the departure of former permanent secretary at the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Sue Street; BNP Paribas non-executive director Fields Wicker-Miurin; and Disclosure and Barring Service board chair Bill Griffiths.

The new team, appointed directly by the chancellor, George Osborne, includes senior figures from outside government and are not civil servants.

They will serve as advisors to ministers and officials, advising and overseeing the department’s strategic direction, business plans and policy proposals.

In July, the department’s permanent secretary, Ursula Brennan, also retired from her role during the summer recess.


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