London boroughs to secure 48 million items of PPE
A pan-London partnership to secure emergency personal protective equipment (PPE) for care homes is expected to deliver more than 48 million PPE items.
The new agreement came yesterday (May 19) to step up for care homes and other local frontline services across London, to be distributed in the coming weeks as safety concerns continue to grow.
A supply chain, established by the West London Alliance, was the starting point on which this new collaboration has been built.
All 32 boroughs and the City of London Corporation will be sharing the success of the Alliance’s shared procurement of PPE, easing the PPE supply lines as authorities all around the world seek the protective equipment.
Supported by the London Strategic Co-ordination Group (SCG), the work is part of London’s emergency response to the pandemic and will also enhance Government’s national supply lines.
The West London Alliance’s shared procurement programme has delivered more than 9.6 million items of PPE to participating boroughs since the pandemic began.
Cllr Ray Puddifoot, London Councils’ Executive Member for Health & Care, said:
“Boroughs are acting quickly and decisively to boost PPE supplies and ensure equipment gets to those who need it most. London’s social care is on the frontline of the Covid-19 crisis and boroughs are working flat out to protect vulnerable Londoners and the heroic social care staff supporting them.
“This new partnership means all boroughs will benefit from improved access to PPE, helping London care homes and other local services get the equipment they need. London’s boroughs have stepped up to the plate and are playing a leading role in the capital’s response to the pandemic.”
The partnership means that authorities in London won’t need to over-rely on Government stock and can access PPE while supply chains recover to meet demand.
The expansion is being co-ordinated by a team led by Haringey Council, with Ealing Council will act as the lead supply borough, prioritising delivering PPE to social care services.