Divide over educational reforms
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) has criticised the Government’s education policy, stating they will create a divided education system and make it more difficult to protect teachers’ rights.
The NUT held a conference yesterday which condemned the Government’s plans to increase the number of academies and free schools, which are run independently from local councils. These institutions also get their money directly from the Government.
There is less regulation governing academies and free schools, and this means more staff will be employed at places which do not recognise national agreements on the pay and conditions of teachers.
Christine Blower, the NUT’s general secretary said: “The academies and free schools programme is an ideologically driven attack on state comprehensive education which has nothing to do with the raising of standards in schools.
“The Government is now encouraging all schools, including special schools and PRUs, to apply for academy status. This measure is designed to undermine democratically elected local authorities.”
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