Devolution and collaboration inquiry for district councils launched
The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for district councils launched an inquiry yesterday to examine district councils’ opportunities for collaboration and devolution.
The inquiry will seek to identify the best examples of collaboration from district councils, and what opportunities they provide for districts to gain further devolved powers, responsibilities and incomes.
The APPG has written to all district council leaders and chief executives in the country inviting them to submit evidence to the inquiry.
Mark Pawsey, the MP for Rugby and former Rugby Borough councillor, who chairs the APPG, said: “Districts are committed to innovative and collaborative ways of working that improve outcomes for their communities.
“This inquiry by the APPG for District Councils is about identifying the best examples of this collaboration and establishing why they are succeeding and what lessons other districts can learn from them.”
The APPG will take oral evidence in four sessions early next year and plans to publish its report at a major event in May.
Cllr Neil Clarke, chair of the District Councils Network (DCN), said he was “delighted” at the inquiry and urged council leaders and chief executives to take part.
He added that there were “many benefits” to collaboration and clustering with partners including district and county councils and local agencies.
“What is important is that any proposal is right for that local area,” he said.
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