Anti-fracking campaigners lead to drilling pause
Fracking company Cuadrilla is scaling back operations in West Sussex as 1,000 extra campaigners are expected at the site this weekend.
Environmental group No Dash For Gas had warned that it would engage in mass civil disobedience. The Balcombe site, where Cuadrilla is engaged in exploratory oil drilling, has had reinforced fences erected.
Cuadrilla has not ruled out fracking at the site, but would have to apply for a future licence to do so. Prime Minister David Cameron recently urged the public to support fracking as a viable alternative to mining for coal.
Cuadrilla said in a statement: “After taking advice from Sussex Police, Cuadrilla is scaling back operations ahead of this weekend's No Dash For Gas event.
“During this time, our main concern is the safety of our staff, Balcombe's residents and the protesters following threats of direct action against the exploration site. We will resume full operations as soon as it is safe to do so.”
Campaigners have been camped at the site for the past three years. Jamie Kelsey Fry, from No Dash For Gas, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: “People aren't going down there for fun. It's not fun to see the heavy policing that I predict will be happening over this weekend.
“Your listeners have to ask themselves why are these people taking these risks and putting themselves out? I would suggest it is because they have studied and they know the dangers of hydraulic fracking and this insane dash for gas.”
Supt Lawrence Hobbs, of Sussex Police, said: “We are acutely aware of the impact that this is having on the residents of Balcombe and back their call to protesters not to engage in any criminal activity in the pursuit of their aims.
“We will continue to facilitate peaceful protest but newcomers to the site should be aware that if they commit criminal offences then we will collect the evidence and they will be arrested.”
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Image c. Dale G. Young/ AP PA