Shropshire town threatens to jump councils in ‘Broxit’ proposal
A town in Shropshire is threatening to leave its current council and join a neighbouring council in a row with funding.
Broseley Town Council is considering leaving Shropshire Council in favour of Telford and Wrekin Council in what has been dubbed ‘Broxit’.
The town council has submitted proposals to request a community governance review to consider Broseley’s future, and will meet to discuss the proposals next week
The town’s mayor, Cllr Michael Burton, said the council was “disgusted” at its treatment over the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which will provide access to hundreds of thousands of pounds from developers who have built homes and projects in Broseley.
As reported in the Shropshire Star, Burton says the town wanted access to £460,000 from the CIL fund, and Shropshire council say the money must first be used for critical infrastructure in line with the “council’s statutory functions.”
Broseley Town Council say they were not told about the policy and said they might have not approved some building projects if they knew the money wasn’t going to be available to them.
He said: “We are disgusted with the way we have been treated. We have been led up the garden path in my opinion.”
The council meets next Tuesday, and papers released prior to the meeting state that the council will consider “requesting a community governance review to consider whether Broseley should become part of Telford & Wrekin Council or remain with Shropshire Council, and whether Broseley wood should be incorporated back into the Broseley ward.”
If Broseley Town Council decide to approve its radical departure from Shropshire, this would mean local tax-payers money would go to the Labour-run Telford & Wrekin authority instead of Shropshire’s Conservative council.
The leader of Telford and Wrekin Council Shaun Davies welcomed the move: “You’ve heard of Brexit.
“How about Broxit – Broseley Town Council considering joining Telford & Wrekin Council.”
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