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Up to 10,000 new homes to be built near railway stations

Up to 10,000 new houses and businesses will be built near railway stations under a new agreement between Network Rail and the Homes and Communities Agency.

The first proposals under the scheme are to build up to 2,500 new homes near York station, to remodel the station layout and carpark at Taunton and to redevelop land by Swindon station, and the government wants at least 20 local authorities to join the scheme.

The news comes as the Housing and Planning Bill, which aims to address the lack of affordable housing, is being debated in the House of Lords.

Greg Clark MP, the communities secretary, said: “We’re determined to fire up communities and back local business so they build much needed housing and create thousands of jobs. Rail stations are a hub of communities, connectivity and commerce and should be making the most of their unique potential to attract investment and opportunities.

“With record numbers of people travelling by train, it makes sense to bring people closer to stations and develop sites that have space for thousands of new homes and offices.

“This new initiative will bring about a step change in development and ensure we go further and faster in putting these rail sites to good use.”

Network Rail is currently reviewing its entire estate to identify land to be unlocked for development, as part of ongoing schemes to reduce surplus government assets, such as the Right to Contest scheme, which resulted in just six land sales in two years.



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