

Would you swear an oath to British values as part of a public service job?

The controversy about how different communities can and should co-exist in 21st century Britain received a boost over the weekend as communities and local government secretary Sajid Javid suggested public sector workers should swear an oath of allegiance to British values.

The oath was among the recommendations in the Casey Review, which accused public sector organisations of allowing some practices in minority communities that “run contrary” to British values and laws because of “a misguided but well-meaning desire to support and respect cultural differences”.

She accused some local government leaders of failing to follow those values, citing examples of gender-segregated meetings being held in the north west and West Midlands and one local politician remaining in post after calling claims that some Muslims were being radicalised “ridiculous”.

Writing in The Sunday Times, Javid suggested that elected officials, civil servants and council workers should have to “lead by example” by pledging support to values such as democracy, freedom of religion and respect for the law.

“We can’t expect new arrivals to embrace British values if those of us who are already here don’t do so ourselves, and such an oath would go a long way to making that happen,” he said.

However, Teresa Pearce, the shadow secretary for communities and local government, said that the Casey Review uncovered “complex and sensitive” issues, and there was not “a shred of evidence” that an oath of allegiance would solve them.

She also accused the government of contributing to integration problems by cutting English language classes.

“We must not leap to implement gimmicky policies which are a superficial and cack-handed response to deep-rooted and long-standing problems,” Pearce added.

Would you pledge an oath to British values if it was required to work in the public sector? You can let the PSE team know your views via our poll, our website and our Facebook and Twitter pages.

(Image c. Joe Giddens from PA Wire/ PA Images)

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