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Norfolk County Council awards £102m waste treatment contract

Norfolk County Council has awarded a six-year £102m contract to manage the treatment of significant volumes of waste, helping the council achieve its ambitious environmental targets.

The council has already committed to achieving zero waste to landfill status and reducing its carbon output, with the new contract set to help facilitate those goals by transforming residual waste into energy.

Set to commence in March 2021, the contract is also anticipated to save the council’s taxpayers £2m each year.

Moving away from landfill is a key part of Norfolk County Council’s waste and resources strategy, as is the treatment of Norfolk’s residual waste via energy recovery. Recycling with metals and aggregate recovered in the process is also expected to be boosted by the new deal.

Treatment is set to be primarily based at a new state-of-the-art facility, which will generate electricity to help power 112,000 homes and create fifty jobs.

Cllr Andy Grant, Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Waste, said: “This new contract will deliver additional recycling and send zero waste direct to landfill, all while delivering better value for money for our residents.

“More than that, by using rubbish as a fuel for power generation it will help us achieve significant carbon savings and marks an important step in delivering a greener Norfolk.”


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