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Jenrick announces £9m Brexit fund for councils

Local Government Secretary Robert Jenrick MP has announced an extra £9m will be made available to ensure local areas and major ports are ready for Brexit.

As part of the funding, local councils which either have or are located near to a major air, land or sea port are set to receive a share of £5m funding. The further £4m to local resilience forums (LRFs) – partnerships made up of representatives from local services – across England to support them in their preparations.

The funding can be used by local areas to support the development of robust Brexit plan for their respective constituencies and areas, and to help fund ongoing preparedness activities.

Mr Jenrick’s announcement of extra funding comes following a £20m boost for councils back in August to ramp-up preparations for leaving the EU through the appointment of a designated Brexit lead.

In total, the government has allocated £77m in funding to help local areas prepare for Brexit.

Local Government Secretary Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP said: “From keeping our supply chains running and ensuring goods continue to flow into the country, to putting robust plans in place for every community, local government is playing a vital role in preparing the country to be fully ready to leave the EU on 31 October.

“We have stepped up our preparedness significantly in recent weeks, including by asking every council to appoint a Brexit Lead Officer.

“Now we are releasing an additional £9m of additional funding today to help local areas get ready for Brexit, whatever the circumstances.”

READ MORE: LGA praises Brexit preparations funding announcement

READ MORE: Chancellor announces fast-tracked spending review ahead of Brexit

In Kent, local authorities are set to receive over £2.6m, in recognition of the county being home to a number of the significant and busiest ports in the area, including the Port of Dover, Eurotunnel, Ashford and Ebbsfleet.

Kent County Council will receive £1m, while the other £1.6m will be shared among a further 13 local authorities in the county.

The allocations of funds have been based on a number of factors, including the expected impact on the local area, the amount of EU Goods received by port areas into the country and the wider importance to the UK’s trade network.


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