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Essex CC called in to fix ‘inadequate’ Worcestershire care services

Essex County Council has officially been appointed to make major improvements in the children’s social care services at Worcestershire County Council.

At the start of the year, an Ofsted report rated the services for both looked-after children and those needing help and protection as ‘inadequate’ for the second year in a row.

And now, Essex CC has been called in to the authority due to its ‘best in class’ track record for driving improvements in children’s social care.

The appointment has been approved by the Department for Education’s (DfE’s) commissioner for children’s services in Worcestershire, Trevor Doughty.

“Our priority is to make sure that long-term improvements are made to children and young people's lives in Worcestershire,” said Cllr Andy Roberts, cabinet member with responsibility for children and families. 

“We remain absolutely committed to that and we have already allocated an extra £5.1m into improving children’s social care in Worcestershire this year.

“I am pleased that Essex County Council has now been formally appointed as our Improvement Partner. Essex will support us to deliver the improvements that we need to deliver.”

Following the commissioner’s report, which was published today, a recommendation to voluntarily restructure children’s services will be discussed at a future council meeting this month.

A strategy for children and young people in the area has also been launched this week that sets out the direction for service changes going forward.


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