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Equality gap widens across cities

The equality gap has widened between cities as economic performance varies across the country, according to research by the Centre for Cities think tank.

The gap in the jobseekers’ claimant count rate between Hulland Cambridg eis 6.1%, for example, with the gap nearly doubling since 2008. The highest number of claimants was in Rochdale, at 30.3%. 

Cities that came out as performing well were Edinburgh, Cambridge and London. Milton Keynes and Aberdeen were highlighted as well-placed to drive the national economic recovery, due to many business start-ups and strong innovation potential.

Alexandra Jones, chief executive of Centre for Cities, said: “The gap between cities is widening. This makes it vital that government policy is tailored to meet the needs of each city rather than one-size-fits-all. What is right for Brighton andReadingwill not be right for Dundee andMiddlesbrough.”

Cllr Peter Box, chairman of the Local Government Association’s economy and transport board, said: “Councils strongly support the premise that government policy must be tailored to meet the needs of each individual city.” 

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